Native Gardens Scenic Model
Concept created during Advanced Scenic Design class, white model and ground plan with sight lines was designed in Vectorworks, paint over done in Photoshop.
This set is for a script about two neighbors in Washington D.C., with one recently moving in and discovering the fence is 2 ft. past their property line. The dispute over the fence line, styles of gardening and what truly makes someone American sit at the heart of the piece.
  I wanted to place the houses as back-to-back neighbors instead of side-to-side neighbors to allow for a greater divide in the architecture and playing space between the houses and the fence. This also let the large oak tree feel more balanced in space between the houses, while remaining imposing in the space. The tree would have a separate trunk and foliage layers, with the foliage being made of multiple flat layers hung one after another, in order to create depth in the tree and have such a tall structure that is also narrow.
(1/3) Color Model for Native Gardens by Karen Zacarías - Modeled in Vectorworks, Additional Details in Photoshop
(1/3) Color Model for Native Gardens by Karen Zacarías - Modeled in Vectorworks, Additional Details in Photoshop
(2/3) White Model for Native Gardens by Karen Zacarías - Modeled in Vectorworks
(2/3) White Model for Native Gardens by Karen Zacarías - Modeled in Vectorworks
(3/3) Ground Plan with Sightlines for Native Gardens by Karen Zacarías - Modeled in Vectorworks
(3/3) Ground Plan with Sightlines for Native Gardens by Karen Zacarías - Modeled in Vectorworks
Scenic Painting
Work completed for community theatre productions and various course work.
(1/2) Anna/Elsa door for "Frozen Jr." at Fort Wayne Youtheatre , I designed and painted
(1/2) Anna/Elsa door for "Frozen Jr." at Fort Wayne Youtheatre , I designed and painted
(2/2) Anna/Elsa door for "Frozen Jr." at Fort Wayne Youtheatre , I designed and painted
(2/2) Anna/Elsa door for "Frozen Jr." at Fort Wayne Youtheatre , I designed and painted
(1/3) Painted marble for "The Play that Goes Wrong" at the Civic Theatre of Greater Lafayette
(1/3) Painted marble for "The Play that Goes Wrong" at the Civic Theatre of Greater Lafayette
(2/3) Painted marble for "The Play that Goes Wrong" at the Civic Theatre of Greater Lafayette
(2/3) Painted marble for "The Play that Goes Wrong" at the Civic Theatre of Greater Lafayette
(3/3) Painted marble for "The Play that Goes Wrong" at the Civic Theatre of Greater Lafayette in context
(3/3) Painted marble for "The Play that Goes Wrong" at the Civic Theatre of Greater Lafayette in context
Scenic paint sample - brick
Scenic paint sample - brick
Scenic paint sample - study of Dephic Sybil
Scenic paint sample - study of Dephic Sybil
Scenic paint sample - marble
Scenic paint sample - marble
Physical color model of set design for "Picasso at the Lapin Agile," my design and construction
Physical color model of set design for "Picasso at the Lapin Agile," my design and construction
Cloth backdrop based on elevation from "Tuesday" by David Wiesner
Cloth backdrop based on elevation from "Tuesday" by David Wiesner
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